Model Behavior

At first when you look at these ladies, you are struck by their beauty. They’re all gorgeous and different and stunning in every way. But what you don’t know from the surface is that they’re all incredibly smart and loving. I started with one simple request, “tell me a little about yourself”. Oddly enough, they are all either currently or have in the past studied psychology and behavior. They were all brought to our beautiful town on the one thing we thrive off of in one way or another, the military. They too have faced hardships but have successfully overcome them. I instantly felt like we were all friends without even meeting them face to face. They were in fact true SugarBelles: kind, giving, great. I asked these ladies a series of questions. I asked them some of the same ones and some that only pertained to their story. Let’s get to know Sara, Reaynna, and Alex a little more.

Sara (without an “h”…I made that mistake!) is a sweet young mother. She says that having a father in the military and moving from place to place made her accepting of change. She also says moving all over the country may also be her reasoning behind rearranging the furniture in her home approximately 5 times a year! She calls herself a lover of the outdoors and has the sweetest soul!

Q: What was your dream job as a kid? With that being said, what do you do for work now?
A: My dream job to either be a vet or a dolphin trainer at Sea World! I loved dolphins as a kid, still do, and I was always trying to jump off the boat and go swim with them (silly parents never let me though)! I still think it would be a cool job. Right now I am working as a Behavior Analyst. I administer developmental assessments and create behavior and skill development programs for children with Autism. It is a very fun and rewarding job and I get to meet and work with so many amazing kids! I’m also dipping my toes into the real estate waters!

Q: You have your hands full! You have a precious son that is 2 years old. Are the twos really all that terrible?
A: Honestly – no! Not yet anyways! Oliver is such a sweet hearted boy. He has his moments, but let’s face it, we all do! I think working with children, and working a lot with problem behaviours, has prepared me for the terrible twos quite nicely! I ignore him when he’s acting crazy and throwing a tantrum. I just go about my business and he snaps out of it pretty quickly. When he does something he isn’t supposed to, I let him know “that hurt mommy’s feelings” and he’ll come right over and rest his head on me as his way of giving me love and saying sorry, which I think is so cute. He’s also into throwing things now, which can sometimes be funny…sometimes not so much! He chucked a toy eggplant at his grandma’s head last week…not nice! I may have laughed though!

You’re such a good mama! Oliver is so lucky to have someone cool and collected like you!

Q: Being a mama, you are presented with lots of crazy choices. What’s the best decision you’ve ever made?
A: This is going to sound so “Hallmark” but the best decision I ever made was to take charge of my happiness. That decision led me down a path of even more decisions – some easy and some difficult. But a huge weight was lifted and I haven’t been happier about the path that I am on in a long time. A good friend of mine once told me to “always choose happiness” and it’s so true, it’s what I strive to do.

Q: Your friend is one smart cookie! Speaking of food…you go by the family nickname cheesegirl?
A: My Aunt Linda has called me her little cheese girl since I was four because of my love for cheese and this other amazing story of when I was four and went house to house in my neighborhood knocking on doors asking for cheese!

Q: Since it is Valentine’s Day, what do you think about this holiday?
A: I love it! Its fun and it’s cute and it’s another excuse to dote on the people you love! I miss Valentine’s Day as a kid and stuffing cubbies and lockers full of Valentine’s cards and crafts and candies! When you were a kid, no one made a big deal about “oh you shouldn’t need an excuse to tell the person you love that you love them” blah blah blah. It’s fun. It should always be fun. Adults can ruin that sometimes.

Hearts, everywhere! I just love this girl’s personality!

Q: Okay, last question…and I have to ask it…What is your favorite part about being a model for SugarBelle?!
A: The clothes!!! Getting to play dress up like a little girl again with all the beautiful and fun clothes! And everyone who works there is super sweet and they all do such an amazing job of making you feel beautiful.


Reaynna is a beautiful ball of energy! I instantly felt like I had known her for years! While I was the one to interview her, she was so kind enough to ask how I was doing. She’s from the big state of Texas and her big personality definitely reflects that “bigger is better”.

Q: First, I have to ask where did your name come from? I love how different and interesting it is!
A: My mom is a HUGE Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks fan, so the inspiration for my name comes from their song “Rhiannon” but my mom wanted to add its own flare to it thus leading to Reaynna!

Q: So not only do you have an interesting name, but you got married at the age of 19 which is unique as well! What advice do you have for other young couples?
A: I think out of all the advice I could give to other young couples wanting to marry, my one solid piece of advice would be to make sure your heart is right with the Lord. Aside from that, it just comes down to knowing that your spouse is your teammate, meaning y’all play for the same team but aren’t the same person. It is okay to have your own likes and interests and not be one thousand percent alike. Also, my last piece of advice would be to leave your ego at the alter and always kiss your spouse goodnight.

Insert the praise hands emoji here! Solid advice!!!

Q: I claim that my spirit animal is somewhere between Beyonce, Miranda Lambert, and Scarlett O’Hara (I’m complicated, I know it.) Who or what would you consider your spirit animal?
A: Oh my gosh, you’re not complicated! You’re fabulous! Personally, I would like to think I am somewhere in between Jennifer Aniston and Victoria Beckham. Jennifer Aniston is super sarcastic, funny, and bubbly while Victoria Beckham is reserved and all about her family.

I have to agree, Reaynna is definitely the perfect mix of Jennifer & Victoria!

Q: Complete the sentence: I feel most powerful when…
A: When I graduated with my associates. I feel like with an education you are unstoppable.

Q: So what do you think about Valentine’s Day? You love it? Hate it? Everyone feels so differently about the holiday.
A: I think it’s a cute holiday. A lot of couples get caught up in day to day life so it’s a good way to get some extra time together. If you’re single, the post Valentine’s Day chocolate and wine sales are also some perks!

Q: Lastly, what is your favorite part of being a SugarBelle Model?
A: Besides the amazing people I am surrounded by? The thing I love most about SugarBelle is the positive vibe and message it promotes. I love how no matter your size or the occasion, there is something for you to feel fabulous in…like literally, they have everything from a loose tee and jeans to a flirty cocktail dress! I love the message they promote to women and the elegance the store carries. I seriously do not think you could leave SugarBelle feeling sad, it just doesn’t happen!


Alex is a newlywed that loves motorcycle rides with her husband (can I just say “goals” here – so fun)! She comes from a big family and she has a heart of gold. I asked her if she were having a conversation with her 15 year old self, what she would tell her and I think her answer describes her strong but warm personality…If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

Q: You come from a big family…how big are we talking?
A: I have 10 nieces and nephews!!!

Q: My goodness! What’s your favorite part of being in such a big family?
A: Love. I never take for granted the amazing relationships I have with my family and my husband’s family because I know not everyone has that.

Q: What was your dream job as a kid? And what are you doing now???
A: When I was a kid, I wanted to be a singer…and Cher from the movie Clueless. I love working as a Licensed Master Social Worker now. Helping people through some of the most difficult times of their life and seeing their positive outcomes makes it all worth it. Although, I still love a good karaoke night.

Q: Okay now dump out your purse for me! Tell me what’s your strangest contents!
A: I just looked through it and nothing too crazy, but I did forget that I still have my credit card sized high school diploma hiding in my wallet!

Wait, what?!!?! That is so weird!!

Q: Having a large family, you have to have some good nicknames right?
A: Tons! Just depends on who you’re talking to…Al, Ally-Pal, Lexi, Pookie, Pumpkin, but my favorite is Sashy! My oldest niece couldn’t say Alex, so she said Sashy and now all of my nieces and nephews call me that!

Q: Finish the statement…I feel most powerful:
A: When I finish a spin class!!!

Power to you girlfriend, those things are tough!

Q: So what do you think about Valentine’s Day? 
A: I love having a special day to show the one you love how much you love them! MY dad always got my mom and I chocolates and flowers growing up.

Q: What is the best thing about being a SugarBelle Model?
A: Meeting new people and getting to try on adorable clothes of course!


I don't know about you, but I kind of want to become best friends with these gorgeous women and rule the world...while riding Harleys, playing with dolphins, and singing Fleetwood Mac. Thank you ladies for being so honest and fun to interview! Y’all are everything that SugarBelle stands for: strong, independent, loving, educated, kind, amazing women.

Stay tuned for more interview tomorrow from our other amazing models! Coming up next, Mallorie, Annalise, and Stephanie!


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  • kffdkartkl

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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